1. 山东大学(威海)联系地址及方式 Our address and telephone number: |
山东大学(威海)国际合作与交流处:中国山东省威海市文化西路180号知行楼510室 电话:+86(631)-5688254 5688016 |
2. 威海机场到威海校区 By airplane from Weihai International Airport: |
威海机场巴士路线:威海国际机场-江家寨工友集团-泰威产印-汽车站·火车站-民航局-威高广场-新闻大厦-哈尔滨工业大学-海悦建国饭店(山东大学(威海)南门) (1)全程行驶约90分钟。 (2)国际航班到达威海机场后,在国际到达门口可乘坐机场巴士,在海悦建国饭店(山东大学(威海)南门)站点下车。 (3)从学校出发去机场可在山东大学(威海)南门对面的海悦建国饭店门口乘坐机场巴士,发车时间请提前咨询服务电话。 (4)机场巴士单程票价每人20元。 服务电话:+86(631)-8641172 8641788

3. 烟台机场到威海校区 By airplane from Yantai International Airport: |
烟台机场巴士路线:烟台国际机场-影视城-山大宿舍-威海卫大厦东威建集团门口(始发站) (1)全程行驶约120分钟。 (2)国际航班到达烟台机场后,在国际到达出口可乘坐机场巴士,在山大宿舍站点下车,公交站乘坐7路、K2路公交车或乘坐出租车到山东大学(威海)南门。 (3)从学校出发去机场可在学校南门对面公交站乘坐7路、K2路公交车或乘坐出租车到山大宿舍站点,到路北乘坐烟台机场巴士,发车时间请提前咨询威海服务电话。 (4)机场巴士单程票价每人80元。 威海服务电话:+86(0)631-5207777 18606310071 烟台机场服务电话:+86(0)535-5139146
4. 威海港到威海校区 By bus or texi from Weihai port: |
从威海港客运站出门步行230米至威海港候船厅(沟北村)站,乘坐K4路或24路至蒿泊站下车,在蒿泊站乘坐K2路到山大威海校区站下车。约需1小时40分钟,票价3-4元。 或乘坐出租车,约需40分钟,票价约45元。

5.公交车 Transportation by bus: |
山东大学(威海)南门门口以及对面即是公交车站,有7路和K2路,可直达威海火车站、汽车站、火车北站,以及市中心购物广场(威高广场、华联商厦)。单程票价1-2元。 Notes: Ticket price: RMB 1 for ordinary busses, RMB 2 for express routes with big stations and RMB 2 for air-conditioned buses. A fare box is installed at the front door next to the driver's seat. Please insert the fare into the fare box (exact fare only). Passengers can also scan to pay their bus fares by Citizen Card, Alipay, WeChat and UnionPay. 

6.出租车 Transportation by texi: |
威海市出租车起步价8元/2公里,超2公里后1.8元/公里,超8公里后2.7元/公里;夜间租车(晚10时后至次日5时)起步价为9元,租价2.16元/公里;车辆起步前,待租时间满3分钟后,计价器开始计费,满3分钟跳表一次,计费标准为1元。 |
7. 铁路 Transportation by railway |
There are two railway stations in Weihai, namely Weihai Railway Station and Weihai North Railway Station. Ticket booking: ① Purchase a ticket at a ticket counter in a railway station or a railway ticket agency with valid identification documents; ② Book a ticket online after completing the registration of passport information at www.12306.com; collect the ticket at a ticket counter in a railway station or a railway ticket agency. Tips: Automatic ticketing machines are only available by a second-generation Resident ID Card. Railway Service Hotline: 12306 Website: www.12306.cn Scan the following QR codes to purchase tickets and check remaining tickets, train schedules and addresses of railway ticket agencies.
